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A special webinar
Judge (ret.) Shlomo Shoham 
hosts Princess Laurentien (Recorded)

free zoom session
Sep. 16th

The biology of leadership
incorporating the ""biology of faith""
in the evolvement of future leaders


Shlomo Shoham


Princess Laurentien

Have you ever asked yourself :

-Is there more to this world than what appears to the eye?

Are we slaves to our genes or are we aware that the freedom
to transform our body’s biological nature is in our hands?


Are we able to receive more joy, more meaning,
more satisfaction, more simplicity, more synchronicity?



The answer lies in the biology of faith !



Shlomo Shoham will be live presenting a recording with Princess Laurentien

Thursday, Sep. 16th, 2021 at 7:00 pm CET
(8:00 PM IDT)
Please check the following time zone converter for the relevant time in your area: 

In this webinar we will guide you towards identifying your road signs
on the path to your calling.

 towards a more complete and satisfying life...

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